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Grissom Men's Soccer

A Tradition of Excellence
Grissom Men's Soccer has moved to ( Why? )
Grissom Men's Soccer Facebook page
Contact to get on the Grissom Men's Soccer mailing list.
Grissom Men's Soccer up through 2016 season
Grissom Alumni

Grissom Alumni Game: Team Latty vs Team Arndt - Click for full size image (3140×747)

2016 Grissom Soccer Store

For the Latest Information....

This site is awaiting a new administrator. Please go to the Grissom Men's Soccer Facebook page for the latest information. Contact to get on the Grissom Men's Soccer mailing list.

Recent and Upcoming Events

No events. (7/25-8/13)

Website Survey

Take this survey to provide feedback on how to improve this website. Link

Section 7 Standings

Section 7 Men's Standings are available on Eurosportscoreboard. All divisions are included so look for 7A.

2016-2018 Alignments (2017-2019 Spring Sports)

The dates refer to the start of the school year so they are 2017-2019 for spring sports such as soccer. Buckhorn is replaced by Hewiit-Trussville in Area 7 7A. See AHSAA Alignments for all alignments.

Grissom Men's Soccer Twitter Feed

Archived Announcements

Most announcements are archived in the Announcement forum or one of its sub-forums.

Menu Shortcut

Just a reminder: Clicking on any top level menu item, "Grissom", "Varsity", "JV", "Events", "Links", or "Boosters", will get you to the left the leftmost sub menu item. Click on "Events" to get to "Tiger Rumble" or "Boosters" to get to the Login page if you're not logged in, or "Actions" if you are. After the Tiger Rumble is over, SSCIT will move to the left.

Support Grissom Men's Soccer

The Grissom Men's Soccer program needs money.
  • See here for more details on our expenses.
  • See here for donor levels.


There is a separate home page for both the Varsity and JV teams. This page is a more of a home page for the web site, though it may go away.